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This issue includes:


Protecting Our Resources: The Soil & Water - An article written by Jim Gillespie highlighting the benefits of cost share programs and their impact on conservation practices.


Clean Water Iowa - An article written by Will Myers and Matt Lechtenberg updating on the Water Quality Initiative.


Working in Our Community - This section showcases Clarke County SWCD's work in Clarke County over the past year. We participated in the Third Grade Fishing & Pond Study in May 2015, Clarke County Fair in July 2015, Farm Bureau's 3rd Grade Field Day in September 2015, the Women Landowner's Meeting for Women's Ag Day in October 2015, and our Annual Contractor's Meeting in March 2016 .


Financials - This section reflects our financial information for the 2015 fiscal year.


NRCS Planning for Water Quality Improvement - An article written by Kurt Simon with some key points to moving forward with water quality improvement.


Conservation Client Gateway - Basic information about the program and how to find out more.


2016 Poster Contest - This section talks about the Conservation Poster Contest, the outreach done to promote it, the number of participants in Clarke County, the winners and awards given.


2016 Conservation Scholarship - Information about our current scholarship recipient and about the scholarship itself.


Our Commissioners - A snapshot of our county commissioners.


Final pages are an insert of our Friends of Ag program that includes all information about donating to the district.

This brochure covers some of the basic information about the Clarke County SWCD. It also covers the basics of the programs available to help with conservation practices.

Water quality testing is important to maintaining a healthy ecosystem and this newsletter covers the different types of testing available in Clarke County. Please contact our office for more information.

Being familiar with the watershed in your area is one step towards active conservation efforts in improving and maintaining water quality.

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