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3rd Grade Farm Bureau Field Day 2016

A picture can be worth even more than a thousand words. Good photographs can lend a helping hand to numerous projects: they strengthen publicity for a fund-raiser, make a newsletter more appealing and reveal the beauty of wetlands to elementary students. To recognize individuals who use this tool effectively and creatively, NACD and the NACD Auxiliary join forces to host an annual Photo Contest.


The NACD/Auxiliary Photo Contest is open to amateur photographers who are residents of the United States or its territories. Participants can enter as many as five photos total each year. Each photo has to fit in one of the four natural resource or conservation photo categories listed below. Please note changes in process for submission of jpegs of photos via email.


NACD has provided required entry instructions that provide a complete description of how to submit photographs, accepted photo formats, judging, use of the photos and prizes. Please follow these instructions and guidelines carefully to ensure eligibility in the contest.


If you have any questions, please contact Susan Schultz at 317-326-2952 or by email at


Click here for more info...

The Osceola Field Office, participated in the Clarke County Farm Bureau’s eighth annual 3rd Grade Field Day on September 14.


More than 140 students from Clarke and Murray Community School Districts participated in the year’s event held at the Clarke County Fairgrounds in Osceola.


The students rotated among seven learning stations, including a new NRCS Rainfall Simulator which demonstrates the erosion and runoff potential of local soils with various covers and treatments, along with impervious surface (roofing shingles).


The other stations at the field day included representatives from the local coops, ISU Extension, a turkey hatchery, and the local implement dealership. The Clarke County Cattlemen provided lunch for the group.


3rd Grade Fishing & Pond Study 2015 @ East Lake Park

The Osceola Field Office participated in the annual 3rd Grade Fishing & Pond Study on May 12, 2015.


Kids from both Clarke and Murray 3rd grade came out to the pond at East Lake and learned a bit about the surveying equipment used to create ponds and other structures from Aaron Sickels and the importance of water quality monitoring from April Bundridge. Dennis Schrodt spoke to the kids about how the pond was built and why conservation is important. Connie Harmsen also helped by documenting the events.


The Clarke County Conservation Board and AmeriCorps through the Clarke County Extension Office oversaw the other activities that included a hike through the woods and fishing in the lake.

Links to Conservation Sites for Kids

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